
The Work That I Do


By | The Work That I Do

I have spent a lifetime travelling, learning from many and studying natural transformational processes that are found within living systems that we are part of. I work as an Eco and Transformational therapist integrating transformatioanl learning along with many years experience as a psychologist (now retired and voluntarily deregistered) working with trauma and abuse recovery. My motivation is to share this knowledge with others so they can escape the constraints of separation imposed by the modern world and experience these processes for themselves. I support people in individual healing and growth as well as groups via talks, seminars, workshops and training. This website serves to provide an overview of what I do. You can find out more about me, my group services along with transformational processes below and go to at There you will find the events I provide along with a blog and additional information. You can stay in formed by subscribing to the newsletter. There is also a facebook page where I post events and information.

Individual Consultation

By | The Work That I Do

I support people who prefer individual learning and transformational work. Clients include those who wish to gain transformation outcomes from psychological or spiritual healing, and those who desire mentoring or coaching in their wider transformational work. I retired from psychology and deregistered in 2021 because I had become disillusioned with the top down control within the profession and so that I could have more freedom in the way I worked. Discuss individual transformational work with me, or mentoring/coaching in your life work by emailing or calling me on 0407988269

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I enjoy working with people who have a spiritual world view. Over my years as a eco and transformational therapist simple principles have become apparent. They include:

  • The qualities we need to resolve our particular psychological difficulty are nearly always the qualities that we need to pursue our goals and direction in life. It is as if we are being presented with the learning opportunities we need for our growth and development to fulfil our purpose. If we do not learn from these experiences they usually are repeated and intensified until we do. With this additional learning we can then move on to new experiences in our life that contribute to our learning and accomplishment.
  • At a fundamental level how well we do in the world is determined by how well we process and integrate life experience. After all, this is what drives our learning, growth, and development.
  • Spiritual Values are more than concepts. They connect us with consciousness, energy, information and energise our healing and transformatioanl processes.

My therapeutic approach is to attend to the processes within the individual to optimize their learning experience and to enhance outcomes that are important to them. By including the spiritual in this work you gain access to tremendous resources and consciousness that informs process.  I like to keep the therapeutic process simple as I do in all of my work. Rarely is it complicated, and rarely is there a need to rehash or re-experience the trauma of the past.

If you wish to talk to discuss individual transformational work, or mentoring/coaching in your life work contact me via or call me on 0407988269

Australian Indigenous Cultural and Spiritual Exchange

By | The Work That I Do

The integration of Indigenous Wisdom with systems information coming from new sciences shows a way forward for a sustainable and just future. I have been fortunate enough to travel widely throughout the world and have had many learning and exchange opportunities with indigenous people. The Aboriginal people of Australia are unique in that they are the longest continuous culture with the longest continuous story tradition on the planet. Over one hundred thousand years of continuous occupation is plenty of time to work it out. I collaborate actively with my First Nations brothers and sisters in cultural and spiritual exchange programs.

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Like all indigenous populations throughout the world however, the trauma of colonisation flows downstream to the present day and has been profoundly disruptive. There is recognition among Aboriginal people that the healing and reclaiming of cultural integrity must come first; and from within culture. Western psychology has largely failed them and is seen by many as another form of Colonisation in that they are required to accept a Western World view to benefit from it.

I have been fortunate to develop strong friendships with Aboriginal people of the Nyoongar Nation in Western Australia. This has initiated an ongoing conversation that has evolved over time to reveal shared values, common understanding, deep connection and common purpose. As a consequence I have accepted invitations to be involved in culturally initiated projects to address the profound need for healing and restoration of cultural integrity that must come first. Then programs will be provided to share wisdom with and for culturally appropriate education of non-aboriginal people.

At this stage my involvement is to make my knowledge of trauma and abuse recovery available in a systems context so that it is culturally appropriate and can be integrated by my Aboriginal colleagues into the healing programs they are developing. Together we will be running these programs and training Aboriginal people to run them. If you are interested go to and explore a cultural project initiated by Dennis Simmons. If you want to stay in touch with how this work progresses vian my involvement it is best you go to and subscribe to the newsletter. Via this you will receive updates and be advised of cultural programs for non-aboriginals. These will include local events and ‘On Country’ excursions.

Transformational Systems Training

By | The Work That I Do | No Comments

Transformational Systems Training (TST) provides a pathway to an emerging world view that is recognised across scientific disciplines, wisdom traditions, differing cultures and various faiths as essential for a sustainable and just future. You leave this training equipped to utilise transformatioanl systems and processes in groups or simply within your own life.

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In the 3 day training safety is established, equality reinstated and meaningful relationships developed for the emergence of powerful understanding and transformation outcomes. An interconnected world supported by living systems becomes visible and authentic self is revealed. It is recognised we all carry wisdom and by coming together in the right way solutions for a better future are clear.

This programme has been developed over many years. Characteristic of living systems upon which it is based it is constantly evolving with the input of participants. No two TST events are the same as the systems utilised respond to the participants within the training.

TST can be utilised post training for healing, personal/spiritual evolution, social change, community, agriculture, service delivery, organisations, business and much more. Graduates are invited to participate in an ongoing self-organising community for peer support, sharing of applied experience, mentoring, access to resources and additional learning opportunities.

A lifetime of study and experiential learning has been integrated for the development of the TST programme. Influences include the science of self-organising systems, wisdom traditions, indigenous wisdom that is common in various parts of the world, long periods of  nature immersion, extensive travel and participation in conferences and exploratory workshops, and my work as a psychologist

Topics covered in the three day TST include:

  • Self organising and transformational processes and how to work with them
  • Boundary as container for process
  • Safe and mindful relationship of participants
  • Feedback at a group and individual level for self organisation
  • How to bring forward essential values to energise transformational process
  • Mindfulness in facilitation
  • The importance of balance in the process
  • Transformational Circle process protocol
  • Types of circle for differing purpose and application
  • The various elements of Transformational Circle that contribute to participation
  • Natural healing and wisdom release

For more information training dates and bookings go to

The Nature Code: New knowledge Ancient wisdom.

By | The Work That I Do | No Comments

If we are to have a sustainable future we must find a new way. The processes the ancients knew, the indigenous peoples of the world still know and modern science is now exploring in detail demonstrate how this can be. By integrating ancient wisdom with new information, a new story for humanity is now emerging. It is story of wisdom about our troubled times, how this has come to be, what we can do for a new way and calls us powerfully to wake up and act. The Nature Code is a project that contributes to transformational change via providing information, seminars, training and more. You will find it at

Transformational Seminars

By | The Work That I Do

I provide seminars and public speaking for people who seek more information about, or are looking for a conceptual entry point into process and transformational understanding. I draw on my knowledge of the following areas: The current scientific/industrialised world view and how it constrains natural self organising and transformational processes; How to release these constraints; The new emerging process worldview that offers sustainable solutions for self and community; And how to allow transition into the new and associated transformations of consciousness to effortlessly occur. Attending these seminars will enable a much deeper engagement with other workshops and nature immersion events I offer. Go to for more information. Subscribe to the newsletter there to be informed of upcoming events or follow the facebook page

Transformational Workshops

By | The Work That I Do | No Comments

Workshops are experiential learning and follow on from the talks and seminars and generate deeper understanding of transformational processes. By the use of these processes in a group setting participants are able to experience the power of transformation dynamics, and free transformational process within themselves for ongoing healing and personal/spiritual growth. The simplicity and effortlessness of transformation is revealed and powerful dynamics are available for healing and substantial shifts in awareness. When held in nature these processes are empowered by connection with the living systems of nature. These workshops are noninvasive, safe, and participants can progress at their own pace. For more information Subscribe to the newsletter to be advised of upcoming events.

Nature Immersion

By | The Work That I Do

From time to time I accompany people into healthy wilderness and guide them through a process of deep spiritual connection for meaningful relationship and re-enchantment of life. Many benefits emerge including healing opportunity, access to information, release of wisdom, and discovery of the spiritual medicine of individual nature elements and landscape.  The aim is to respect, connect, process, and step into our roles of co-creators with Mother Earth, and each other, for a sustainable and peaceful future. You will find more information at

NeurOptimal neurofeedback

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NeurOptimal Neurofeedback  is safe technology that works with optimizing self organizing and transformational processes within the Central Nervous System in a way that is consistent with their functioning. It is wonderful for people who wish to prepare for healing and transformational work.  The sessions are non invasive, effortless and very peaceful. Outcomes are usually wide ranging and extensive, as anything based in information processing that can improve will, and remain resilient after the training is completed. This includes psychological healing, relationships, performance, and personal/spiritual growth.  We provide NeurOptimal neurofeedback sessions, in conjunction with Bronwyn Evans, for individuals and couples who want to experience the many benefits of NeurOptimal neurofeedback training. for more information contact or telephone on 0407988269